Investment Adventures in Emerging Markets

Is India the Next Internet and Digitalization Frontier?

Is India the Next Internet and Digitalization Frontier?

Away from the spotlight on China’s internet industry, India’s digital push has been gaining speed. Our Emerging Markets Equity team highlights the trends to watch.

Southeast Asia’s Internet Economy: On a Fast Track

Southeast Asia’s Internet Economy: On a Fast Track

Conditions have been ripe for Southeast Asia’s e-transformation, and COVID-19 has acted as an accelerant, according to Claus Born and Yi Ping Liao of Franklin Templeton's Emerging Markets Equity team. They see three secular growth opportunities that stand out for investors:  e-commerce, fintech and gaming. 

Heightened Regulatory Scrutiny in China: What Investors Need to Know

Heightened Regulatory Scrutiny in China: What Investors Need to Know

China has announced recent regulatory changes targeting specific industries, which has led to some heighted market volatility. Our Emerging Markets Equity team examines what the changes are, why they were implemented, and the potential implications for investors.